The function of the brain is quite anonymous as it controls all the activities of the body.Although inheritance affects the capability of the brain,the ability of the brain can be affected or enhanced by our diet.Some specified foods can improve the performance of the brain.Namely;
1. Dairy products
Dairy foods such as milk,cheese and cream can help the improvement of the brain.The American and Australian scientists measured I.Q. of 972 volunteers and concluded that those participants of the experiment, who daily used dairy products, were tested on logical thinking and were much more successful, than those who neglected yogurts and cheese. Fatty dairy products are especially useful as more than half of our brain is made up of fat. The lack of crucial fats can become the reason of various diseases, for example multiple sclerosis.Dairy products contain elements such as protein, calcium, vitamin D and magnesium which play important roles in stimulating the activities of the brain.
2. Whole grains
Whole grains are loaded with vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts, wine and olive oil. Resent research shows that this diet may be linked to lower risk of the mild cognitive impairment that can progress to degenerative diseases. Generally people do not eat nutrients or foods in isolation; they eat in combination with other foods so there is value in their diet patterns. This pattern of diet can reduce stress, inflammation and other vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure. All of that may have a role in increasing risk for brain malfunctions and diseases.Since the body breaks down the carbohydrates in whole-grain oats slowly, they help to keep you sharp for long hours.
3. Lean red meat
A study published in 2011 found that females with healthy iron levels performed better on mental tasks and completed them faster than those with low iron status. This metal helps transport oxygen throughout the body and to the brain. In order to enjoy beef with a clear morality, splurge on healthier grass-fed cuts. To work at its best, your brain needs a conformable supply of oxygen. A lack of iron in the diet can reduce ability of blood to carry oxygen, decreasing the amount delivered to your brain. Not taking in enough iron can also cause problems such as lack of energy, poor concentration and tiredness. Low-fat meat is an excellent source of iron. It contains iron and zinc which are important minerals for cognitive function of the brain. These elements participate in mitosis of brain cells and in reactions of DNA synthesis.
4. Liver
The brain utilizes about 25% of the body’s oxygen needs. Iron is required to get oxygen to the brain via the blood’s hemoglobin. Liver is one of the diet’s assets guaranteed to contain this metal. Additionally, liver is one of the most important sources of Vitamin B.It has been known that these vitamins, mainly B1, B6, B9 and B12, improve cognitive function and the results of intelligence tests.
5. Spinach
There’s science to back up your mom’s advice to eat your spinach. Studies show that people who take in more vitamin C perform better in tests for attention, recall and memory. Experts suggest eating at least 5 portions of vegetables and/or fruit a day, but the key is to eat a variety. When picking veggies, go for a rainbow colors, not only because they look great, but because this is a proof to the beneficial nutrients they have inside. All leafy vegetables share richness in Vitamin B9 or folates, which is thought to play an active role in the development of a fetus’ nervous tissue and also in the renewal of blood cells. If spinach is not to your taste, go for lamb’s lettuce, watercress, broccoli, iceberg lettuce or different types of herbs. Among these veggies rosemary is worth noting as it has certain flavonoids notably apigenin in its aroma that has stimulating properties affecting memory and concentration through encouraging cerebral blood flow.
6. Eggs
Egg yolk is a good source of vegetarian iron. Eggs contain phospholipids and lecithin, integral to build up membrane of brain cell. In terms of boosting intellect, their value lies mainly in their proteins. Long used as points of reference when analyzing the quality of other dietary proteins, eggs are actually rich in amino acids, vital in the production of the principal neurotransmitters. A synthesis made from serine and methionine are used in the process of memorization, where noradrenalin, stimulating learning, and its production rely on the presence of tyrosine and phenylalanine, which are again found in eggs’ proteins.
7. Oily fish
More than half of brain mass is made up of lipids, and over 65% of these are fatty acids. These fats are vital to the production and development of brain cells, maintaining the fluidity of cell membrane. They also play a huge role in neuron activity. Oil-rich fish like wild salmon, fresh tuna and sardines contain Omega 3 fats that help your brain cells interrelate to each other. As a rule, try to eat at least two portions of oil-rich fish a week. Fresh fish contains Omega 3 fatties, but tinned ones do not. Fish contains phosphorus and iodine which are both important elements for brain work.
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